
"We built this city on rock and roll..."

Overslept. Woke up feeling it had to be a domesticatious Saturday. Got the bleach and soap and headed for the bathroom. Can't find my gloves so I had to use makeshift ones out of plastic grocery bags tied on each hand. I couldn't help but blurt out the opening lines of Jefferson Starship's song "We Built This City" as I started to do an air guitar move with the toilet bowl brush...

It brought back memories of spending my Saturday mornings at my grandma's house with my aunt turning up the volume while playing her Starship cassette tape on loop mode--a sign that she was already awake and cleaning upstairs as my cousins and I would be playing downstairs or watching Saturday morning cartoons. 

Reminiscing's over as my sister caught the fever and looks for clips to listen to. Cleaning the bathroom to an 80s sound trip isn't so bad after all. 

Enjoy (as much as we did).


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