

She's been looking at maps all her life. When she was a kid, she used to wonder about the different colors and shapes that crisscrossed the meridians and longitudes. Numbers and degrees meant nothing. Countries were but lines and words that were written in big and small caps.

"What's Norway?" "What's A65?" "What's that?"

Y could only barrage her father with so many questions until he finally explained to his little girl that maps were just representations of actual places where people lived. He gifted her with a small book on major countries of the world with pictures of breathtaking beauty.

Pick a place, any place...
Father and daughter could go to Spain, Turkey, Mexico, Japan until the mariachis, the paellas, the mosques would tuck Y to bed. Fascinated and enthralled, dreams of faraway places embraced her as she slept.

Dream after dream. Year after year. Y turned 28 this summer.
Having moved to California some years back has made her realize what her father had been patiently telling her as a little girl; of distances and far-off places. The small book with fascinating pictures is probably tucked away somewhere in the boxes of their home but, the images are playing like an old film in her head. The longing to travel itches in her heart. Deep-down inside her, there is a map that she has to follow--a yearning that drives her to pack her bags and explore what lies on the other side of the world.

Open a page, any page and find what it is that you desire. Is it Istanbul? Morocco? Paris? Munich? Tokyo? Cairo? Y needs to muster the will to leave and the world is hers.

PS-Send me a postcard when you get there.


Y said...

I was wondering if you'd like to wander with me.

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